Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Welcome to "The Socialist States of America"...

Barack Obama, obvious SOCIALIST, and perhaps the most unqualified candidate ever nominated to be President (and a person who would have major problems in obtaining a SECURITY CLEARANCE), has now become the most powerful man in the WORLD!!

My sincere thanks to the majority of Americans!!! You truly have done a tremendous job in destroying what was left of our once great nation...

Fasten your seat belts folks! The next several years are NOT going to be pretty...

Perhaps, looking back and seeing how we survived 4 years under President Carter, there is a chance we shall survive this nightmare.

Perhaps, our nation will now become more divided than it has been, since 1861...

God bless!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Little Halloween Humor...

More Obama LOVE for Socialism!


Yep, this may be the next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!

And just think what we might be in for, with a Democratic Congress in both Houses, and someone as left as Obama, as our President...


Some Tough Questions for Biden


Apparently, the Obama Campaign was so angry about this interview, they "CUT-OFF" this TV Station from any further interviews...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Home Stretch is Upon us!

As we head into the final 2 weeks of this historic campaign, Obama still leads in all of the polls... Not good news for McCain and perhaps even WORSE news for Americans! www.realclearpolitics.com has more info, and they are a very solid site, for unbiased averages of national and state polls.

It appears America is poised to actually elect a SOCIALIST to the White House. Obama doesn't even try to disguise his political ideology any longer either, with recent statements like we need to "spread the wealth around". Karl Marx would've been proud of such a statement!

But it seems McCain while pulling a little closer, just can't seem to convince too many independent Americans of the obvious.

While visiting some family and friends in New York, I tried to keep a tally of all the folks in favor of McCain and those favoring Obama. Of the family members I spoke to, it was a shutout 4-0, and when it came to my buddies back home, it was an even bigger shutout, with 7 people pulling strongly for McCain and ZERO for Obama...

I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise though, as most of the folks I am close with have all come from humble middle or lower working class backgrounds, and everybody had to EARN THEIR LIVING. No handouts or entitlements... We also learned from our parents about true American Values and we were all fortunate enough to learn in school about the dangers of socialism and the value of CAPITALISM! Oh yes, we also learned HOW GREAT OUR COUNTRY WAS AND IS!!!

I'm not even sure if they teach that any more, to be honest! They are probably too busy teaching our children about the Messiah, named Obama...

But it was still quite astounding, that 11 folks whom I discussed politics with, were ALL for MCCAIN, albeit in this clearly divided country.

So I'm left wondering -- Is it really the Democrats vs the Republicans? The Conservatives vs the Liberals?? The Left vs the Right? Or is it more of those with common sense (McCain backers) going up against those whom are either just plain DUMB, IGNORANT or BOTH???

When Obama blasts President Bush for his unfettered spending, and then a minute later explains how he is going to INCREASE SPENDING BIG TIME, is it only the clear-thinking folks in the minority that actually GET IT??

That's a scary thought and that fear may actually become a reality on November 5th, should McCain be unable to turn this election around!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Off to NY!

Well, it's time to catch another flight to Long Island...

I simply MUST see my beloved NY Rangers at the Garden, and hang with my buds back home.

I'll be back with more blogging on Monday!